Ever had a situation (or exam result) so dire that it can’t be ignored?
Did it create a spiral of disillusionment, or spark the need to take action?
As you probably know by now, Bonnie was NOT good outdoors when we first got her and she’d never been leash trained.
She wanted to play with every dog she spotted (even if it was 200m down the road) and thought a car going past was cause for high-alert.
Think ‘Kelpie after a puppy-party of jelly and ice cream and bouncy castles’.
So the training is ON with a capital O.
Thing is, if she’d been ‘pretty good’ or ‘okay’ then we’d likely have just gone with it.
But because the situation was so dire, we HAD to take action.
And now we’re already at ‘pretty good’ and have set our sights on working towards ‘excellent’.
Here’s how this relates to your teen, how they see challenges and disappointments and what step they need to take to turn things around.