Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Archive for March 2021

Tips for slow processing students

I feel it’s important to open this by stating that I’m not qualified in or have specialist training in specific learning difficulties.
I’ve taught students with a wide variety of learning challenges and adapted my teaching to aid and support them through professional development for teachers and guidance from other experts and specialists in this field.
So, I’m sharing tips based on my experience of working with education specialists, students and their parents in these ways 🙂

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Online revision tools – are they any good?

There are so many more options available to students as ways to study and revise these days.

Hence the great Q this week which asks:
“Is Anki a good revision tool to use?”

(My teacher brain reeeeally wants to add ‘Explain your answer.‘ onto the end of that!) ?

Whether your teen uses Anki, or you’ve never even heard of it…
I explain all and dissect the pro’s and con’s (including a couple of must-do’s and must-NOT-do!) that you can apply to ANY revision tool or strategy – digital or otherwise.

Want more tips on revision and exams?
Click those tags on the menu to the right of this blog page 🙂


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Essays – Avoiding the waffle zone!

Have you ever proof-read one of your teen’s essays and felt that sinking feeling as you realise you are reading the same thing over and over?
If your son or daughter has a tendency to slip into the waffle zone when writing essays then this video is definitely for you.

To get your copy of my Essay Title Swipe File,
simply share this link
on your social media and send a screenshot of your share to:


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